
Sondheim goes to the movies! In honor of Oscar night, 54’s popular Sondheim Unplugged series turns its attention to tunes from projects ranging from Dick Tracy & Reds to adaptions of Broadway hits like Sweeney Todd & Into the Woods. Although widely considered (with good reason) the master of the American musical, Oscar-winner Stephen Sondheim’s work for the cinema should not go unrecognized! From his original contributions to film (including the unproduced movie musical, Singing Out Loud & one very naughty addition to The Seven-Per-Cent Solution), to silver screen adaptations of his own stage triumphs, Sondheim’s motion picture stamp is prolific. Join some of Broadway & cabaret’s best vocalists when Sondheim Unplugged goes behind the camera for an up close visit with some sterling big screen treasures.

Special Guests:

Sarah Rice (Sweeney Todd’s original Johanna)


Alexis Cole, Eric Comstock, Michelle Dowdy, Lothair Eaton, Barbara Fasano, Marquee Five, Terese Genecco, Eric Michael Gillett, Lina Koutrakos, Rob Maitner, Julie Reyburn, Nicholas Rodriguez, Brian Charles Rooney, Steve Ross, Lisa Sabin, Lucia Spina, Courter Simmons, Jonathan Whitton, Jacob Hoffman.